štvrtok 9. februára 2012

Zuzka wedding day / what a beautiful day :))))))/ Zuzka svadba 2011

Last steps to get ready / ešte malé úpravy :)))

We didn´t have much time but we managed, and all went good/bojové podmienky leto a potenie sa ale nakoniec všetko dobre dopadlo :)

Bridesmaid/družička v prípravách :)

streda 8. februára 2012

Nina Levett / Vienna Austria, Michal Jellinek Photography

Wedding pictures in the church in Austria/fotky v Rakúskom kostolíku

MAK museum Wien, Design week, preparation show live/fotenie

Some wine to stay cool /Trochu vínka na uvoľnenie

Small table but still we managed to keep all the stuff on that/náš mini stolík na ktorý sa to tak tak nezmestilo aj tak tak :D

People were coming/návštevníci mohli sledovať celý postup fotenia

Our working Team, Niki make up artist, Mustafa photo assistant

Here we go! Whole team management :) the surrounding was incredibly beautiful

Make up process was what people wanted to see, the process of whole photoshooting

Wedding day of my good friend Luci

Lucy tried to keep her eyes open, thank U Lucy :) /Lucka bola statočná a vydržala, dokonca aj jej mamina :)))))

We didn´t have much time so we worked together with hairdresser Karol Actually he´s great to create special and natural hair style. I just love him :)))))))))

I used mascara to match artificial and Lucy´s eyelashes

In Lucy´s room, that si full of interesting things, especially library :D

Janka wedding day :))))

Wedding dress with pinky colour, only me and Janka know why

Juliett singer & pianist, Lubo Spirko photo

Johnson controls video and party with Barbori Blanarova :)

Johnson Controls Christmas party, I did hair and make up for Barbori, She is just perfect !

Check the output video shoot :)

Shooting for Johnosn Controls video promotion

KISS make up, before the koncert of incredible KISS music group

I can´t forget  the mass of people who I realized after I finished painting girlsThis mass of people were waiting to get painted but they didn ´t asked me before, and I couldn´t paint then due to the contract. What a pity!!!!!